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1 Destro  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 11:39:00am

Does he believe it or is he paid to say he believes it because he is a SEAL and Seals under Obama's orders carried out the raid on Bin Laden and this is a dirty trick effort to negate Obama's connection to that via the SEALs?

I know it's paranoid but if I was running a disinfo campaign against Obama for the GOP that's what I would do.

2 aagcobb  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 12:00:48pm

A birther? Suprise, suprise.

3 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 1:10:47pm

He also believes that Frank Davis is Obama's biological father. Note to the dumbass but if Davis is Obama's father, he is a citizen.

4 theheat  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 1:12:26pm

re: #1 Destro

No, it's super important the Patriots keep reminding us how much Obama hates this country and wants us to become communists, so the fact Obama ordered the raid on OBL was only to get votes. Otherwise, he would have invited him to the White House for tea. //

5 Destro  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 1:18:34pm

re: #4 theheat

No, it's super important the Patriots keep reminding us how much Obama hates this country and wants us to become communists, so the fact Obama ordered the raid on OBL was only to get votes. Otherwise, he would have invited him to the White House for tea. //

Yea, I kind of view that is what his role in this is. Only thing I don't know is if this guy is doing it for the money or is genuine about the belief.

6 nines09  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 1:36:51pm

This is an example of "just because". As in, "Just because the man had a uniform and badge on didn't make him right." Ever run into a "bad" cop? Scary, eh? Nuts and crackpots are at every level of every endeavor. You just have to look at the GOP to see how influential, powerful and rich you can be and still be damaged goods. As in; "But he's a businessman! And rich!" Yes he is. And a son of a bitch bastard too, who would throw you through a plate glass window and then go have a slice of pizza.

7 DesertDenizen  Thu, Aug 23, 2012 2:37:35pm

I like the line about 12 good men and women. Obviously, you are only good if you are just like this guy.


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